a cringe-filled legacy

October 14, 2019, 10:45 PM

a cringe-filled legacy

So I found an SQL-dump of my personal blog from 2004.

If you had asked me last week about how much I'd changed since I was in my early 20s, I would have probably said, "Eh, I really haven't changed that much". I was 21-22 years old in 2004, and after having read some of my newly discovered blog entries from that time, I think I can make at least two claims:

  • I was as boring back then as I am now.
  • I had a... particular way of viewing things.

Granted, I haven't read through everything, but that's my initial first impression.

And I'm not just talking in a personal sense - the formatting of my database structure definitely left much to be desired. Most notably:

  • Everything was a little too normalized for my taste
  • I also had it in my mind to save code snippets. It's kind of crazy to think about now, if only because these snippets are extremely antiquated, but I nonetheless felt the were worth saving at the time.
  • If I may toot my horn for a second, I'm kinda impressed with my past self for knowing mysql so well. I made this before I had my first "real" programming job.

Nevertheless, as embarrassing and cringeworthy as these entries are, I think I'll be importing them into my blog soon enough.