a late start to a relatively uneventful weekend

August 29, 2020, 12:29 PM

a late start to a relatively uneventful weekend

I have this propensity for saying that every week of my life is fairly boring and uneventful, and I don't know why.

Anyway, this week was pretty boring and uneventful.

Or maybe I just don't have anything worth writing about. And yet, here I am.

I left the house. Now that's something that doesn't happen very often. On Friday, I called it a half-day, and I took the BART to newly constructed Berryessa station in San Jose - all this happens after Sean texts and basically says, "Let's ride some bikes."

"OK", says me, who literally does not exercise or engage in any strenuous physical activity.

The last time I rode BART was in April. The last time before that was in March. So basically, I hadn't ridden on public transit since any other time in the last 6 months. Partially fear of catching COVID-19 stopped me, but both times I rode the BART, it was a quite a ghost town. There were only about 3 other people in the entire train car the entire time I rode to Berryessa (which is a 1-hour train ride, by the way).

So I'm riding this bike. Everything starts hurting, and even the day after, I still feel it. My Fitbit goes crazy since this is not normal activity for me.

fitbit 90 minute bike ride activity graph

Fitbit activity graph

And then we had to Jason's place. I hadn't seen Jason + Melody since my trip to Vietnam last year, and it was nice to see them again -- newly married.

First impressions:

  • sweet couple. It could be me seeing through some rose-colored lenses, but they seemed happy together. Melody is one of the kindest people I've ever met, and it makes me happy seeing them happy together.
  • messy apartment. Granted, I knew how it was like living with Jason, but, wow, is their place quite messy. I also noticed Sean's apartment was pretty messy too - it kinda puts in perspective how clean and messy my place can get.

Returned home, passed out, and slept for like 10 hours. It was a good day.

I don't know why, but I've been watching lots of video game speed runs, made by people who participate in this thing called Games Done Quick.

I was drawn to it initially because I kinda liked watching playthroughs of games that I don't want to play through myself (i.e. the horror games that seem so popular and highly rated, but I can't bring myself to play). I guess a speedrun is not really representative of how a game is casually going to play out, but it's still entertaining nonetheless.

My favorite was the speed run of Brain Age:

It's kind of clever how they take advantage of the character recognition to draw these elaborate pictures.

I initially started watching GDQ speed runs of the some of the Soulsborne games -- mostly because I'm curious about the Dark Souls games, but haven't gotten myself to play one. It's just one of those games which is outside my "gaming comfort zone".

Started playing The Last Guardian:


I am scared I'm going to cry at the end :-(