A Week In Review. And a tiny bit of blogging.

May 2, 2020, 10:30 AM

A Week In Review. And a tiny bit of blogging.

Another day, another dollar.

Actually, more like another week, another review? Hah, I'm so clever.

Overall, my first impression of the last one is that it was a bumpy one in terms of sleep. Despite getting the requisite 8 hours, according to my sleep times, I still found myself tired during the day and waking up feeling as if I hadn't gotten enough sleep.

Anyway, these are the things I wrote down the past week or so, and I think I'll just jot my thoughts down inline, as I'm particularly lazy and don't feel like writing right now.

  • food logging. I used to log everything in Fitbit in my food log, to get an idea of what I'm eating. I think it was a good habit to habit, and I'm debating whether it should continue. Generally, I have a decent idea if what I'm eating is healthy or not, but maybe I need to keep doing this to remind myself.
  • shipping operation. I've been mailing out tons of stuff recently due to selling stuff on eBay -- so much so that I'm even considering getting a thermal printer for shipping labels. Those things are unexpectedly expensive though. It might be worth the time savings though.
  • less organizing, more doing. I've been getting caught up in finding organizational tools for my tasks. To the point that I sometimes don't get tasks done. That should probably stop.
  • efficiency in action. I've found myself distracted when I'm writing my five-minute journals. Or I've spent a lot of time thinking about what to write. I need to remind myself that, like many of my usual tasks, a certain amount of focus is required, and there's also no right answer to these questions.
  • more sifting. The amount of stuff in hand has been piling up because I've been taking things out of storage. I need to spend some time and sort through some things and see what I can get rid of.
  • easier cooking. I've had a problem where I'll throw in a ton of ingredients into a dish, and the result will be .... "underwhelming." While each ingredient is delicious on its own, the combination of a bunch of delicious things does not necessarily yield something yummy. I've been meaning to stick to a set of recipes and not vary so much. I'll think about this more.
  • standing and sitting. My butt hurts. My knees hurt. Whenever I take a step forward with my health, I always feel like something else sets me back. I don't know what's wrong with the knees, but I've been walking slightly less, and doing less rigorous activities. Rather than relatively strenuous exercise, I've been meditating, or just sitting outside and soaking up some sunlight. I've felt better these last few days, but I should continue being careful, and not push myself too much.
  • really wind down. sleeping for reals. I find that whenever I'm setting down to go to sleep, my mind is racing at 100-miles a second. There are so many things I want to look up and think about. But I feel like I'm missing the point of "winding-down", and I think that that is what's causing my sleep to suffer. Food for thought.

And now, the non-routine related stuff

Here are some of the most notable things that happened this week, in no particular order.

  • picking up Japanese lessons. I've been pretty bad at scheduling a regular amount of Japanese practice. It's one of those weird things, wherein I don't look forward to it. But when I do it, I always have a great time. So I should set aside more time for that.
  • waking and chatting. I wake up early enough that I've been able to have video conversations with Yuki. Maybe that should happen instead of my usual lessons? Hmm, I dunno.
  • reward vs discipline. I always struggle with rewarding myself vs maintaining some discipline. There seems to be a fine line between wanting to do something and forcing myself to do it. I understand the benefit of doing it, but I just don't do it, for one reason or another. On the other hand, I shouldn't beat myself up for not following through - I guess the key is to get up when I stumble and understand that I'll be stumbling again.
  • sleep. Seriously. Not getting good sleep completely fucks me for days, and not in a good way. I've changed up my sleeping positions and just started doing sleep meditation. Guess we'll see if it has any effect later on.
  • journaling. I've been using emacs org-mode to capture some quick thoughts and random stuff. It might be worthwhile flipping through that to see what I've been thinking about this past week or so.

Okay, well, I just paused here to look at what I wrote in my journal, and the most compelling bits are:

  • I think Park Bo-Young is insanely cute. I am 100% certain that I am not wrong:

Park Bo-Young 박보영

  • Japanese drama, Long Vacation, is still awesome.

Well, that concludes my week. Hopefully, I'll be more well-rested.