honeymoon blogging

November 22, 2019, 3:20 PM

honeymoon blogging

I was so excited to be making the new backend for the my blogging system (and the new gatsy-based front-end for that matter). Add in the fact that I had just recovered a SQL-dump from 2004, I was feeling pretty good about blogging again.

Coincidentally, there was a lot to write about, as I was venturing through Vietnam.

Well, now I'm back home, looking at the summaries of my Vietnam trip, with neir a lick of motivation to be had. Not too surprising I suppose. But I remember a much younger Jerry being much more inclined to widdle away hours and hours just writing random stuff in front of a computer screen.

Recently, I had to answer the question: what the are the things that I value. It seemed like a simple question, but I really had to think about it. My life seems filled with the things I enjoy, the things I like, the various hobbies that I (try to) pursue. It seems sad... actually, more like "odd", to say that I don't value these things.

Anyhow, at the risk of becoming too introspective, I'll stop myself. But I really felt that I should be contributing to my blog a much more regular clip - lest last month's splurge of blog activity be nothing more than the renewed "honeymoon phase" of writing again.