I'm here - where's my prize?

June 27, 2020, 10:08 AM

I'm here - where's my prize?

Unremarkable is the way that I'd describe this week. You could probably describe my life with the same word, but I digress.

So, I've been organizing. Like a mad-man. And while there are small bouts of "triumph" now and again, it's always tinged with a touch of sadness: how did I get to this point? And the inevitable answer is usually: years of being unfulfilled. But on that topic as well, I shall digress.

Wait, I've changed my mind because it's slightly relevant when I think about the week past. It's my birthday next week, which makes me wildly introspective about the happenings of the year. But this year, was a little more on the "meta" side of things, if only because I've had so many birthday nows that I don't remember most of them. But one thing I always remember asking myself: what should I get myself for my birthday?

I will not delve into the implications of asking myself such a question but suffice it to say that treating myself to a little something sometimes feels like a moot point for a birthday celebration. If I wanted something, I wouldn't have waited, and just get it already. Which is probably why my most memorable birthdays are never about the things I got for myself. As is the fashion for this particular blog post, I shall digress again.

I think most recent entry into my Five Minute Journal laid out my week pretty well:

  • I haven't been sleeping well. The voice-activated alarm clock means that I can shut the thing off without getting out of bed. Once again, technology has enabled my laziness.
  • I haven't been reading as much. I still read at my scheduled times, but usually only for a few minutes at a time. Despite that, all the consistency means I've made more progress in my current book than I would have expected.
  • I've used the Pomodoro technique, with some success. Lately, I've been able to focus without it. But after a few work sessions without it, I started to notice that the time segmentation of Pomodoro had a good side effect: forcing me to take breaks at regular intervals, which I don't do when I'm "in the zone".
  • health-wise: my weight has plateaued, and I'm wondering what to do about it. With my knee injuries healing up, I should get back into the habit of taking long walks again.

I guess my highlight of the week would be banh mi lunch with Niles:

various banh mi sandwiches

I got to see his new place, which is a super nice condo in the nob hill area. It's always interesting to see how people maintain their living spaces, if only because I think I am somewhat obsessed with mine.

Admittedly, my social calendar is not exactly poppin', but it was a welcome distraction from the drudgery that is sheltering-in-place, and never leaving my house.

That's all I've got for this week. I will end with a photo of Matsui Jurina, who I loved way-back-when I was an avid AKB48 fan:

ske48 Matsui jurina