last week was aight

May 16, 2020, 9:00 AM

last week was aight

I'm going to be trying something a little different today.

Usually, I'm all about just writing my blog posts into the default editor inside the CMS that I'm using at the moment (Cockpit CMS, btw); but today, and perhaps foreshadowing some potential future habits, I'm going to try writing this in Typora.

I loaded up emacs, and I haven't really set up org-mode to blog effectively. But then again, whatever I write is of no consequence, so maybe it doesn't matter how I write stuff -- so long as I am writing.

I guess I should commence in the usual fashion: was there anything of note that happened in the last week?

Not really.

But then again, I really have an affinity for saying that nothing really happened - I suppose my threshold for mentioning and thinking about things is pretty high. Perhaps I should lower them, and relish in the minutae of life.

But as a credit to my laziness, I'm going to keep things nice and simple this week. I said that last week too, but ended up writing more than I really expected.

We'll see about this week. Some noteworthy things were:

  • Googling ex-girlfriends. Needless to say, I'm a fucking idiot. Oft times, I'll be listening to a song that I associated with someone, and think, "Huh, I wonder what that person is up to now". Usually, this has me looking up a Facebook profile, only to find updates that are years old. However, in the case of remember ex-girlfriends, the invasion-privacy-engine of Google Search is that only thing that will suffice. So I Google ex-girlfriend #1. I won't say here what I found, because I don't want to pay homage to it here (in what could likely be a long-lasting record of my life!); but needless to say, I regret it. Ugh.
  • Socializing, and acquisitions. I used to collect tons of video games. I still do, to a lesser extent. I've occasionally thought about why, otherwise than the fact that I like video games. I thought I liked collecting a while too (I'm not sure if I still do though). After keeping off of social media and webforums about collecting and such, I seemed to cool down - I didn't really feel to urge to collect or participate. I was never really social to begin with, even in virtual form. And then I started to purge stuff. But the past few days, I've given myself a kind of "pass", and I started revisited my old haunts. And before I realized what was happening, I had burned hours into looking up where / how to obtain certain items; reading forums posts about how to do this or that, and generally just wasting a ton of time. This is what the Japanese would called 物欲 ("desire of things"). When in comes to gaming, I think sometimes I blur the line between enjoying video games, and just wanting more in my collection. Th reason I mention socializing is because, I've befriended some collectors too, and it kind of made me think that collecting and acquiring massive sets of video games was okay. For me, it isn't. Anyway, just food for my own thoughts.
  • Literal stuff. Speaking of the "desire of things", I've started selling a ton of stuff on eBay -- mostly old computer parts, and video games that I brought myself to part with. I thought I had made a ton of progress, but the boxes of stuff to get rid of just keeps piling up. So much so, that I had spent a ton of time shifting stuff around and re-organizing, and setting up a "system" for things that I want to sell, things that need boxes for shipment, and things that already on eBay. While I'm glad I have a system in place, it really makes me think about the amount of literal stuff that I have. Things have definitely gotten out of hand. Luckily, I'm making amends.

I was really concerned about my health last week. I talked to the doctor, she gave me some guidance, and now, I feel perfectly fine. What a whirlwind of emotions and feelings.

In short, I thought I had cancer. Dad had it, and he died because of it. Because of that, it makes more wary of any symptoms.

I had it in my head that I would take a photo every single day; the "photo a day" thing is common in photography circles, I think. Well, with the coronavirus lockdown, all my photos are basically just what I ate for lunch that day. It's quite the montage.

Not really, though.

a montage of lunches and such, and my poor attempts at cooking

That's all I've got. Let me finish this post with a photo of my imaginary girlfriend, Sakurai Reika -- because, why not.

桜井玲香 sakurai reika nogizaka 46