let's start with something that I like.

June 20, 2020, 9:30 AM

let's start with something that I like.

I've been giving some thought to sharing more of my hobbies on social media. But then that got me thinking about the purpose of social media, and my relationship to it. Some passing thoughts about it:

  • I'm not active on social media. Not as much as I used to be.
  • I wonder if me perusing social media is a means to assuage some of my latent social isolation, what with all the shelter-in-place, working from home, and corona-related lockdown orders.
  • I think about posting my collection-related hobbies. But I wonder if that's just another way of seeking social validation. Similar to posting stuff on youtube. The fact that I haven't done so really makes me think that maybe I don't need this validation to enjoy what I have.

Meh, that is all. And to be completely anti-thetical about my last point, allow me to share what I just got in the mail:

The Last of Us Part II Limited Edition Playstation 4 Pro 1TB

My last passing thought: I should note my hobbies more on this blog. Seeing as the only audience I have is me, I don't know if this would count as whoring my junk out on social media. But, another part of me enjoys looking back on my personal history, for some odd reason.

A week in review..... what?!??!?

I haven't been following my schedule too closely. But now that it's been about three or four months since I started putting myself on this schedule, here are the habits that have stuck so far:

  • I generally sleep between 9 pm and 10 pm. Previously, it was anywhere between 12 am and 2 am.
  • I wake up between 5 am and 7 am on any given day. Previously, I'd sleep well past noon on weekends, and on weekdays, I'd wake up around 8 am if I were commuting, and past 9 am if I were working remotely.
  • I almost always have veggies with every meal. That's the biggest 180 I've made so far. It feels kinda wrong to not have any veggies.

The theme of the past few weeks has been: cleaning up and downsizing. I've been to my storage unit a few times, and with each box that I bring up, I find stuff that I can do without.

Looking over my five-minute journal entries, there were two things that I had forgotten but was unfortunately reminded again. I'll just quote what I wrote:

There is this person I know, who is no longer in my life, and which there is no possibility of ever meeting again. I am not going to dignify this person by mentioning their name here. Needless to say, I think this person is a fucking asshole, for a variety of reasons. However, I heard through a mutual acquaintance that this asshole is doing well for himself, in many ways.

I don't know why, but I always believed that bad things happen to bad people; but if my hearing about the great things happening to this asshole are a commentary on anything, it's that bad things don't necessarily happen to bad people. In fact, good things can happen to bad people.

Fundamentally, I have a problem with this. And sadly, it is my own problem, and not something I can blame on anything else. Sadly. Yes, sadly. One way I could have made this day better: is to not let fucking assholes take up real estate in my head.

The fact that I had forgotten that I wrote this, is probably a good thing. The next thing, and is related to my downsizing of junk:

I think I can call myself a collector of CRTs (I have about 10), and I even think about getting a few more. I saw a post on Reddit, where a guy posted his collection of CRTs, and it easily could have been a few dozen. They were all strewned about the living space. In the comments, someone asks: why do you do this?

I don't remember the response. But I do ask myself this question every now and again.

Sometimes when I'm surfing the net, just looking at random stuff, I'll stop myself and ask: "What am I looking for?" If only I knew the answer.

Food for thought, Jerry. Food. For. Thought.

And then I'm also reminded of the brilliant wisdom of the much-missed Barack Obama, when he talks about optimism:

My paraphrase is basically: you're not going to remember the day-to-day problem you have. It's like the weather - some days, you'll need an umbrella. When you look back on your life, you're going to remember your most meaningful moments, and not what happened on any particular day.

Amen Barack, I never realized how much I missed you.

To explain my cover photo: I don't take enough photos of anything. And my life is not exciting or varied enough to allow me lots of opportunities to take varied photos. So here's a shot of one of my storage cabinets, clearly filled with too many things.

a whole lot of video game stuff in my collection