like my git commits, there weren't a ton of changes this week.

August 8, 2020, 10:24 AM

like my git commits, there weren't a ton of changes this week.

Dawdling. That is the name of the game.

With my penchant for setting up a schedule for myself at the entry of this year, I can now safely say that there were a lot of things I followed. Conversely, there were a lot of other habits that I didn't keep up with.

Things I kept up with:

  • better sleep. Mostly anyway. These days, I'm waking up between 5 am and 8 am, which is a crazy improvement oversleeping in till 2 pm each day.
  • slightly improved eating habits. My meals are more balanced.
  • gaming. though that wasn't challenging honestly.
  • blogging. Oh ho!

Things I didn't keep up with:

  • everything else. I guess that's a little too vague.
  • I had started taking some technical courses to shore up my job skills; but that's on the back burner again, since I've been gainfully employed during this crazy 2020 coronavirus pandemic. I am very lucky.
  • Korean + Japanese studies. I still really enjoy Japanese conversations, but I wonder if it's because I just enjoy the social aspects of it. It's not like there's a ton of "book-study" that I'm doing. I'm starting to wonder if Korean is one of those things I just have to let go of.
  • Personal infrastructure. In the end, my "web presence", really doesn't matter all that much. I wonder if the energy I had for this initially was just me being obsessed with getting my life in order. Maybe so.
  • Programming side project. I had focused on websites initially, but I need to give this more thought. Gaming apps are more interesting, personally. In the end, I just have to get off my ass and make something.
  • The western TV show. The Japanese TV show. The Korean TV show. I think the motivation here is that I should fill my time with less dawdling. "Dawdling" is the time that I waste on Reddit or Instagram or any other social media. It yields absolutely nothing in return. At least with watching a TV show, I am entertained and am shoring up my interests.

Wow. Looks like I had a lot more on my mind than I initially thought.

I started playing Okami HD for Playstation 4.

Okami HD playstation 4

What's odd is that this game has been on my unofficial To Play (TM) list for what seems like years -- probably at least since the PS2 era, when it first came out.

And I just never got around to it. I bought the Wii version (complete with IGN watermark); got the PS3 digital version; got the PS4 physical remaster years ago. And it's just been sitting on my shelf for all eternity. I don't even know what compelled me to start it. I was just looking for something to play one day, and just loaded it up, and kept going.

It has been great fun so far, and I don't understand why I haven't played it until now. I'd like to think that it has something to do with delayed gratification, but I am not that disciplined.

Working has been a little "weird". "Weird" is the word I use to describe a situation where I don't like something, but I'm trying to be amicable and choose a word that is not too damming or negative. I feel like I have tons of work to do, and that I haven't been able to "take-it-easy", as I've been told by my various co-workers.

I don't know how "justified" my feelings are, but that's been passing through my mind recently.

Well, I got nothing else going on in my life. I'm still fantasizing about the day that I can travel safely again, without fear of catching the 'Rona.

I shall end with this week's obsession: The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson.