August 8, 2004, 1:56 AM
many days have gone and past. it's especially apparent when i look at my fridge, and my supply of food is slowly and steadily drifting into nil. most of next week is dedicated to final exams. four parts to it. after which... perhaps a small vacate should be in order. i have really taken a break for a long while. it's always either school or work. it'll be refreshing to do without both - if only for a week.
but perhaps it's a sign that my determination is slipping... since my focus hasn't been as great as i would like it to be, lately. i think it has something to do with my attention span shortening.
my revised version of the tempest... i started writing it a while ago, but never really got into it. i started again, and got a few pages done - in a somehwat haphazard manner. i want to capitalize on the power relationships between some of the characters, but not sure how to make it apparent, yet subtle at the same time. luckily, for once i thought i felt my Muse coming back to me.
i seem to be drawn toward revisionist themes, and snapshot styles of writing lately. a snapshot, is like a single "moment." it never lasts long, but can be important - if to no one else, than to yourself. maybe some day, i'll write about it.
life seems good (at the risk of jinxing myself). though... small issues hang in the balance...
i had this disturbing dream about my family. thus, i woke up in a pretty deranged mood. i see people who have fallen through the cracks, all the time. it doesn't take a walk down telegraph avenue to remind one of that. but what if that person is someone in your family? in the meantime, i'm drowning in the lap of luxury... so to speak. but i made it on my own two feet, and how long things will remain this way is uncertain. should i care? i think i already know the answer, but am not sure what i can do.
other thoughts abound lately, the most prevalent of which:
misery acquaints a man with strange bed-fellows
(yes, the Tempest is stuck in my head at the moment). a corollary to that, of my own devising: it's funny who you find yourself with, as time goes on.
another day will reveal itself and the crap that comes with it.