Should I really be snapping more photos?

September 19, 2020, 11:07 AM

Should I really be snapping more photos?

Looking over my Google Photos backups, it appears that I don't take that many pictures. Occasionally, I'll think to myself that my week was relatively jam-packed, only to discover that Google Photos is telling me how boring my life is.

I snapped a single photo last week, which is honestly more than some of my previous weeks where shit wasn't on fire.

For a company outing, we went to a restaurant called Mister Jiu's, which is supposedly an excellent place, as evidenced by its two Michelin Stars.

A preface: I've been to Michelin-starred restaurants before, and here's what I've thought so far:

  • yeah, they were tasty.
  • in all cases, they were extremely expensive. I guess this is just par for the course?

After each experience, I thought: yeah, this is tasty, but the cost puts a damper on it and makes me question whether it was worth it or not. That is my unpopular opinion. Maybe I just don't have a refined enough palate. Meh. ¯\(ツ)

However, Mister Jiu's visit did constitute my single photo of last week, where I awkwardly snapped a quick pic of the awning outside:

mister jiu's san Francisco outside

All that being said, as far as my limited experience with Michelin-starred restaurants goes, I think this one was the best thus far.

The Playstation 5 was announced. I wasn't able to preorder. There were a few other things I wanted (i.e. the Analogue Pocket), which I just hadn't been able to even pre-order.

2020 hasn't been a good year in that respect.

Anywhooooooo. About the PS5. Many of the people on the gaming podcasts and youtube channels that I listen to have been able to get pre-orders.

Argh. Some people were able to pre-order, like, four PS5s. Add on the eBay scalpers, where PS5s are already going for $850. Like, what the fuck.

Anywhoooooooooooooooooooo, part 2.

What's sad, is that I actually signed up for a pre-order email notification from Sony Direct Store, and I did get an email. I didn't notice it among the daily news spam emails from Yahoo.

I just noticed the email this morning, clicked the link, and...

ps5 pre-order event has ended.


I'm still stuck on Divinity: Original Sin.


At the very least, I got that going for me.