so there was this tasty looking bento...

October 3, 2020, 11:14 AM

so there was this tasty looking bento...

I was going to say that my life is at such a standstill, that the highlight of my week was something as mundane as getting a bento lunch box from a local restaurant.

And then I thought: sometimes it good to appreciate what most people might consider "mundane". Is this the Five Minute Journal, working its magic on me?!? That is to say: I'm trying to be more appreciative of the small moments in my life, as they happen.

Every week tends to go like:

  • nothing happened
  • actually, some stuff happened.
  • those happenings aren't massive or important life events

And lastly:

  • eh, that's fine. Given the frequency of these blog updates, this year seems like big events aren't going to be happening every week.

Thus, my bento is this week's highlight. It was from Julie's Kitchen, a place which I had never visited all this time until this pandemic struck.

So, I've been frustrated by work. Or maybe just frustrated by life. Same thing? Some considerations regarding that:

  • I spend a lot of time working. I want to say: more so than many of my co-workers.
  • there isn't much else going on in my life at the moment.

It makes me think that I get too wrapped up in it sometimes. A lot of my recent Five Minute Journal entries have had the theme of learning to relax. A quote of my October 1st entry:

I wonder if my recent frustration is "leaking", and if I am sounding more frustrated and angry recently. I had a weird meeting with co-workers, and it felt like they may have... noticed. I could be wrong, but that's why my gut tells me.

I need to relax more.

"Such is life", which is possibly an awful reference to the meme of Latvian Jokes on Reddit:

Two latvian look at clouds. One see potato. Other see impossible dream. Is same cloud.

I put aside Divinity: Original Sin for now; although I did enjoy the ~55ish hours I put in so far, it was a getting a little slow, and I decided to table it for now.

I'm revisiting one of my most favorite games in recent memory: Shadow Tactics.

Shadow Tactics Blades of the Shogun

I enjoyed the stealth gameplay quite a bit, but the Japanese theme is well done. Most notably, the Japanese voice track is exceptionally well done. I was genuinely surprised when I first started playing this game, considering that this game was developed by a German game studio.

Here's this week's bit of humor:
