the shorter, the better?

April 25, 2020, 9:30 AM

the shorter, the better?

I am going to be trying something a little different here, just to see how it would work out for me. I'm currently typing this in emacs. While it is rather bare-bones, I kind of like the idea of keeping my life in plain text, without the need for an external server. I am not sure if emacs is suitable for writing, as I can't seem to get the spellcheck or grammar check working. Bleh.

Well, this is going to be another week in review. I've been debating whether I should relegate these types of entries to a different category, because it's more like a journal rather than a blog.

What's the difference? Through my googling, it seems the differences are:

  • blogging is for an audience, for thoughtful pieces to be consumed. Nope, definitely not why I'm blogging.
  • journaling for just scribbling down random notes, without structure. Yeah, I seem to do that a lot. Although my Five Minute Journal entries have helped a lot in this regard, since it's pretty much a daily thing.

So am I journaling, or am I blogging? The more I think about it, the more it doesn't seem to matter, as I don't expect to be reading this site.

Anyhow, some things I noted in my Five Minute Journal entries this week:

  • Bad takeout
  • Retail therapy
  • mind maps and org-mode
  • forgiveness and self-compassion
  • too much fucking work.
  • hermit-life lacks vitamin d
  • get rid of more shit.
  • lack of afternoon personal block

I really dont' feel like writing all that much today, so I think I will forego the usual amount of rambling.

Bad takeout

So basically I ordered some food online for pick-up, went to the restaurant, and found they were closed. Bleh.

retail therapy.

I've been hacking my life together these past few months, so it has been giving me some ideas of what other areas of my life I could be improving. One thing I used to struggle with a lot (and still today, but to a lesser extent), is "retail therapy". I do buy a lot of stuff. I don't need a lot of things. I've been able to offset it with a relatively high income, but yeah.... I don't really need 1200+ video games, for instance.

mind maps and org-mode

In line with the theme of hacking my life, I've found these great tools, but am still trying to find ways to incorporate them into my "habit workflow". I think I shouldn't force myself, and I think the barrier to entry is the relatively high learning curve. That being said, I still want to explore these options.

forgiveness and self-compassion

I fucked up my schedule a lot this week. It's hard giving myself a pass sometimes.

a meal from oren's hummus

too much fucking work.

Sometimes I feel like I'm doing a ton of work, while my co-workers are offline in Slack. It makes resentful sometimes, and makes me want to push off work.

seeing if i can get back into writing

hermit-life lacks vitamin-d

I had a problem with my knees feeling kinda funny. I'd always had problem with my posture, and my improper way of sitting all the time. But it really, really bothered me this time.

So I took it easy, and tried not to walk as much... which is counter-productive toward my goal of trying to remain active. But, hey, the alternative is that I hurt myself and can't walk - so I decided to take it easy.

Then I thought: I hadn't really been outside for days. Pretty much par for the course, given this shelter in place order and coronavirus mayhem. So I started sitting outside these past few days.

And my knees starting feeling better. Huh.

getting rid of more shit

I've been getting hooked on selling my junk on eBay. I even managed to sell something I didn't think anyone in their right mind would buy. Wow.

I looked around my room, and realied how many relatively valuable things I have that I don't really use. Computer parts. Projector. Electronics. Etc, etc, etc. Time to clean house.

instant curry udon and diet coke

Lack of afternoon personal block

Too much fucking work. I don't know what to do about it. I could either:

  • put in more time, and remove my afternoon personal block
  • push back, and let some work issue slide.

Both are not really ideal. I'll just have to see how things work out the next few weeks.

In other news:

  • I had some really good conversations with friends this week. Talking to Sean, Phi, and Yuki was a really great time
  • I took the first step toward getting into a writing practice: bought some books. We'll see if they help, or if I'm able to do anything with them.
  • I'd also been taking a game design course, but I'm not sure if its helpful yet.